Office Space – Working From Your Outdoor Room

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This past year, you may have been working from home, with your kids learning at home. Finding a quiet space in which to get work done was probably at a premium. Those with home offices were lucky. Others have converted spare rooms for this purpose. Still others have considered moving.

If working remotely is still an option and you’re looking for a place to get work done, look no further than your backyard. An outdoor room may be your answer.

Outdoor rooms can be outfitted with many of the same amenities found indoors. Weatherproof appliances, such as refrigerators, freezers, icemakers, beverage centers, dishwashers and TVs are now available. Your outdoor bar could be used as an internet café during business hours, a happy hour space at the end of the workday, and sports bar central on game day.

When the season is over, there are some steps to take to winterize your outdoor kitchen appliances, but they’ll stand up to the elements, ready for the next season.

Imagine your Zoom meetings, conducted from your beautiful outdoor room. Now that’s work-life balance!

Call MADS Lawn and Landscape Specialists at 402-619-3006 to learn more about installing an outdoor room for you.

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